Our History

Here is how the company first started. So it all started 1 day at my summer party, and I was wondering what games to play. So I just got some random items out and placed them in front of people. So I just blurted out "List 10 reasons why this item could eat grass!" and everyone seemed to like it. So 1 day I was on xat with wolfstar62867 and she was wondering if we could play that game again because she liked that games because they made her think. So just as a joke I said "Gggal co. Coming up with awesome games sience yesterday." And then I thought. And then I was like "Hey we should start a company and make a blog!" And then.... Gggal Co. was born. If you have any more questions on our history, feel free to leave a comment below.


  1. How did you decide what to do and how did you make this blog look so awesome!

  2. Well WS and me worked on it together so we made it this way together. Most of our ideas are very original. Great question!

    -Wolfstar62867/gggal no signed in

  3. Replies
    1. Ummmmmmmmm I will think about it

      Wolfstar62867/gggal unsigned in

  4. Since that's how u spell it. Plz don't take that has a rude comment . I completely understand if it was a mistake I made w
    wAY bigger mistakes -Lilleh
