Hey everyone! There is a huge award show coming up soon on AJ. There is also an after party! The nominees who win will have there art work in the next Gggal Co advertisement!!! So here are the details. Not everyone who shows up will be a nominee but it would be really nice to have a large audience, 5 seats are avalible so reserve your seat today!!! To reserve your seat contact me on AJ. Make sure you vote! The voting imformation is also below, underneath the short P.S. message, and a sneak preview is also avalible at the very bottom of this post :)
Where: Gggal's Den
When: Tonight when enough people can be on to attend, (around 6 7 or 8 o'clock possibly)
Dress/Bring: Dress formally and bring your hands to clap for all of the winners!!!
RSVP: Please contact me on AJ to reserve your seat and make sure your coming. (5 seats currently avalible)
P.S. You don't have to reserve a seat if you are a nominee in the show, your seat is automatically reserved. And we are full on nominees so please do not comment if you want to be a nominee and also please do not be upset because I couldn't nominate everyone I know. Thanks have a great day and see you at the show!
Voting Imformation:
Nominees: Birdle, Wolfstar62867, Dragonwolf70, and Warriorcatz2.
Cataglories: Most colorful with art, Most realistic with art, Most fashionable with art, and most crazy with art.
To vote: Send me your vote in a Jam - A - Gram or tell me in private chat on someone's xat.
There are also a few simple voting rules to keep everything fair and to keep people from getting their feelings hurt:
1. Vote only one person for cataglory, you will have to vote for someone twice for 2 different cataglories if you are already a nominee and can't vote for yourself.
2. Don't tell anyone your vote.
3. Don't be upset if the people you vote for don't win.
4. No voting for yourself.
5. Please try to act like you would at a normal award show and remain regular :P
Here is a sneak preview!!!